
GI adverse events were mild to moderate, and resolved without intervention1

Adverse events occurring in >5% of patients during the 52-week clinical study1,2:

  • Diarrhea (24%): The majority of diarrhea events were mild and transient, occurred early in treatment, and resolved with continued use1

Number of patients and week of first onset of diarrhea1,3,4

Two-year results showing 6% of patients (42/707) experienced diarrhea  during the first week of treatment
  • Discolored feces (16%): Discolored feces is expected with an iron-containing product1
  • Nausea (10%): Incidences were reported during the first 6 months, but diminished over time with continued use2


image showing 52 weeks

NO DOSE-DEPENDENT Gl adverse events1

About half the incidence of constipation vs sevelamer: 3.8% vs 7.2%3

The only phosphate binder with

Velphoro is selective, with few drug or metabolic interactions

  • Velphoro is a powerful, selective phosphate binder that doesn’t bind to vitamins A, D, E, K, or folic acid, as sevelamer does1,5

Patients taking Velphoro require no additional monitoring for iron management

  • The iron in Velphoro is minimally absorbed1
  • No additional monitoring of iron indices needed1
  • Velphoro has no contraindications, and does not contribute to iron overload syndrome1

*A 52-week, open-label, active-controlled, phase 3 study evaluated the safety and efficacy of Velphoro in lowering serum phosphorus levels in patients (N=1,054) with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. In the titration phase (first 24 weeks), patients were randomized to receive either Velphoro or sevelamer carbonate to establish the noninferiority of Velphoro to sevelamer carbonate in lowering serum phosphorus at 12 weeks (secondary endpoint). The following withdrawal phase (weeks 24 to 27, n=93) established the superiority of Velphoro with an effective maintenance dose over a placebo-like low dose (primary endpoint). During a final long-term maintenance phase (weeks 28-52, n=658), patients continued phosphate binder treatment according to their original randomization for the assessment of long-term efficacy, safety, and tolerability.1

References: 1. Velphoro® [package insert]. Waltham, MA: Fresenius Medical Care North America; 2024. 2. Floege J, Covic AC, Ketteler M, et al: on behalf of the Sucroferric Oxyhydroxide Study Group. Long‐term effects of the iron‐based phosphate binder, sucroferric oxyhydroxide, in dialysis patients. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2015;30(6):1037‐1046. 3. Floege J, Covic AC, Ketteler M, et al; on behalf of the PA21 Study Group. A phase III study of the efficacy and safety of a novel iron‐based phosphate binder in dialysis patients. Kidney Int. 2014;86(3):638-647. 4. Data on file. Fresenius Medical Care North America, Waltham, MA. 5. Renvela [package insert]. Cambridge, MA: Genzyme Corporation, a Sanofi Company; 2023. 6. PhosLo [package insert]. Waltham, MA: Fresenius Medical Care North America; 2011. 7. Auryxia [package insert]. Cambridge, MA: Akebia Therapeutics, Inc.; 2024. 8. Fosrenol [package insert]. Lexington, MA: Takeda Pharmaceuticals America, Inc.; 2024. 9. Renagel [package insert]. Cambridge, MA: Genzyme Corporation; 2021.